Do you have garments you LOVE for one reason or another-- maybe you love the color or the fit... but they have a logo or image you're not crazy about? Maybe you thrifted something and just want to make it yours. In this workshop, we're teaching you how to upcycle those garments into wearable pieces of quilty art you'll want to wear all the time!
We'll be teaching you how to prepare your quilt block for attaching to your garment, then you'll learn a couple different ways to sew on your quilt block depending on you desired effect (machine sewing or needle turned applique). We'll also go over some simple embroidery stitches you can use to embellish your quilty patch and really make it one of a kind!
You'll bring your own garment (think hoodie, shirt, tote bag, hat, pants, etc.)--whatever you want to quilt-ify! If you have lonely quilt blocks or great scraps in your stash, feel free to bring them along (maybe you have extras from a past project or you found a cool lonely quilt block at a thrift shop). We'll have a few lonely quilt blocks available for purchase from our collection or we can teach you how to stitch up a quilt block especially for your project!
This workshop is taught by the incredibly talented Krystle of Zipped & Printed!
This workshop requires no prerequisite skills in sewing but if you have sewing experience, you'll have more options available to you.
If this workshop is sold out, email us at hello@cutandsewphl.com to get on the wait list.
This workshop requires at least 3 students to run. In the event of low enrollment, we'll refund you in full or transfer your enrollment to a future class date.
Our goal is to make our studio financially accessible to as many people as possible. We do this through our tiered pricing model.